Planchest Trial

Seeing Planchest In Use

Planchest is happy to arrange a remote demo over the Internet where you can watch Planchest being used, explain your particular circumstances and ask any questions. Just ask!

If you are really interested in Planchest, we are happy to visit you and demonstrate in your offices. This will give us an opportunity to see how you work and what other data sources you already and how Planchest could fit in. Get in touch.

Of course for a convincing demonstration, there is nothing like a visit to a reference site. Many Planchest clients would be happy to show you what they do. Please contact us and we will arrange this.

Trying Planchest yourself

You can register to download a Planchest demo trial which installs a client on your PC linked to an Internet hosted demo database. This database is populated with realistic dummy data shared with any others who are using the same demo. You are welcome to create projects, companies and contacts, manage drawings and run reports.

You cannot yet download a demo database for your exclusive use for testing. If you wish to do this then Planchest will carry out the installation for you via a remote session.

For any more extensive trial you would probably want to import your own projects, contacts etc. This would involve some consultancy but this might be available at cost to faclitate your trial. Just ask!